What better time

Preferred tools/weapons

In July last year, I started writing the first draft of a novel. I had no idea what I was doing, no story plans, no structure. I just started winging it. I got a lot of words down, around 20,000. It's mostly been sitting for many months now with no progress because I feel like I don't know where it's going, probably because it has no structure.

A few months back I joined Ksenia Anske's Patreon for her daily writing tips. Then this week I decided to step it up a notch and signed up for one of her writing classes. The intention is to learn how to structure a story and write a book. So, that's the big brain thing I alluded to in yesterday's post.

What better time than now right? I'm in between jobs, applying for jobs and doing some freelance work part-time, so I have a little more time on my hands than usual. Will there ever be a better time than now to try and write a book?

I've always wanted to write books, so I might as well start now. I'm not getting any younger. I'm sure it will be a pretty mediocre, perhaps even awful, book. But it'll be a book. The only way to improve something is to create something first. Everything has to start with the first step. One grain of sand. One brick. One wobbly baby step. So here goes, my baby step is to work through this course.

Let's see how this goes.